Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Indonesian headlines: Operatic barbarism

By Lauren Gumbs

The Indonesian media is following the executions minute by minute, with around the clock coverage of the progress of the situation. This is an incredibly populist topic with many poised to see their president follow through on an internationally condemned decision that will cement Indonesia's new foreign policy paradigm. It is insightful, though somewhat macabre, to observe what is being reported around the death penalty levelled against so many foreign nationals.

These are the headlines (topik terhangat) Tuesday 28 April from some of the country's biggest newspapers:

(conservative, moderate)

Jelang Eksekusi Mati "Bali Nine" - Eagle execution of the Bali Nine.
Jaksa Agung Sudah Putuskan Waktu Eksekusi Mati 9 Terperdana - The Attorney General already decided the time for execution of the 9 inmates.
Intervensi Eksekusi Mati, PBB Bisa Dicap Terpengaruh Jaringan Narkoba Internasional - Death penalty intervention, United Nations labecan be stamped as most influential in the international narcotics network.
Menko Polhukum: Ada Terpidana Mati yang Dieksekusi Pekan Ini - Coordinating Minister says the convcts will be executed this week.
Kejagung: Sekarang Sudah Masuk Masa Tenang Jelang Eksekusi Mati - AGO: Now we've entered the quiet period before the executions.
Ketua DPR: PBB Tidak Bisa Intervensi Hukum di Indonesia - House Speaker: UN intervention not legal in Indonesia.
Indonesia Masuk Darurat Narkoba, Ketua MPR Dukung Eksekusi Mati - Indonesia in a state of drugs emergency, Chairman of the Assembly supports executions.
Tiap Regu Tembak Eksekusi Mati Tahap II Beranggotakan 14 Personel - Ready to shoot dead, execution phase 2 composed of 14 personel.
10 Mobil Jenazah Tiba di Pulau Nusakambangan - 10 hearses arrive on Nusakambagan Island.
Selebriti Australia Rilis Video Desak PM Abbott Selamatkan Duo "Bali Nine" - Australian Celebrity video urges PM to save the Bali Nine duo.
TB Hasanuddin: PBB Mudah Diintervensi Negara-negara Besar - Hasanuddin: UN easily intervenes in large countries.
Michael Chan: Adik Saya Seorang Pendeta... - Michael Chan: My brother is a priest.
Ini Pesan Terakhir Andrew Chan "Bali Nine" untuk Istrinya - Andrew Chan's last message for his wife.
Ketika Kakak Andrew Chan Mengenang Adiknya ... - When the older brother of Andrew Chan remembers his little brother...


Kejagung beri keterangan jadwal eksekusi 9 terpidana mati - AGO reveals execution schedule of the 9 inmates sentenced to death.
Eksekusi sudah ditentukan, 9 terpidana mati akan ditembak serentak - Execution has been determined and the 9 inmates will be shot to death simultaneously.
Massa dari KontraS geruduk Kejagung tolak eksekusi mati - Most of Kontras urges AGO to reject executions.
Ini penjelasan Jaksa Agung terkait waktu pelaksanaan hukuman mati - Attorney General's explanations relate to time of executions.
Wasiat duo Bali Nine minta jenazah dikubur di Australia - In the Bali Nine duo's last rites they ask that their bodies be buried in Australia.
Jelang eksekusi, jam besuk keluarga terpidana mati maksimal 20.00 - Ahead of the executions, death row family members can only visit up until 8pm.

Intip pembuatan salib nisan untuk para terpidana mati - Manufacture of cross headstones for the the dead inmates.

(urban educated, Islamic)

SBY postpones trip to Perth
Menkpolhukum: Eksekusi Mati Dilaksanakan Pekan Ini - Executions to be implemented this week.
Duo Bali Nine akan Dieksekusi, SBY Tunda Kunjungan ke Australia - Bali Nine will be executed, SB postpones visit to Australia.
DPR Desak Pemerintah Pastikan Pelaksanaan Eksekusi Mati Terpidana Narkoba - Parliament urges the government to ensure the executions of convicted drug inmates.
Rohaniwan Bawakan Kurma dan Alquran untuk Terpidana Mati - Clergy brings dates and koran for dead inmates.
In Picture: Jelang Eksekusi, Kendaraan Ambulan Tiba di Nusakambangan - Ambulances arrive in Nusakambangan ahead of executions.
DPR: PBB Tidak Bisa Intervensi Hukum di Indonesia - DPR: The UN cannot intervene in Indonesia's law.
Ditekan Soal Eksekusi Mati, MPR: Pemerintah tak Perlu Risau - Pressed about the executions, MPR says the Government doesn't need to worry.
Anggota DPR Sesalkan Sikap Ban Ki-moon - Members of the house regret Ban Ki Moon's attitude.
Pengamat: Eksekusi Mati itu Penegakan Hukum - Observer: Death penalty is law enforcement.
Zainal Abidin Tegar Menghadapi Eksekusi Mati - Zainal Abidin: It's tough facing the death penalty.
Pasukan Eksekutor Sudah Masuk ke Lapas Nusakambangan - The troops who will carry out the executions have already entered Nusakambangan prison.
Keluarga Bisa Temui Terpidana Mati Hingga Pukul 20.00 - Families of the convicted can meet up until 8pm.
Menhan: Eksekusi Mati Keputusan Terbaik - Defence Minister: Executions are the best decision.

(populist, Islamic) 

Mayoritas Rakyat Dukung Hukuman Mati Gembong Narkoba - The majority support executions for drug kingpins.
sekusi Mati Gembong Narkoba, Kejagung Tidak Jelas - See more at: http://pelitaonline.com/news/2015/04/28/mayoritas-rakyat-dukung-hukuman-mati-gembong-narkoba/#sthash.Spfd6ZgC.dpuf
tas Rakyat Dukung Hukuman Mati Gembong Narkoba
Jaksa Agung: Terpidana Mati Dieksekusi Serentak - Attorney General: Convicts to be executed simultaneously.
Hakim Duo Bali Nine Minta Satu Miliar - Bali Nine judge asked for one million dollars.

In Pelita there were more stories about Ahok Basuki Purnama giving prostitutes certification (seen to support rampant promiscuity) than about the executions.

Hakim Duo Bali Nine Minta Satu Miliar


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